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Ashgabat Agreement Pib

The Ashgabat Agreement is a transport and transit agreement signed between Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Pakistan and India. It was signed on April 25, 2011, in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan. The agreement is named after the city where it was signed.

The Ashgabat Agreement aims to create a transit corridor that will connect Central Asia to the Persian Gulf and South Asia. The agreement provides for the establishment of a transit and transport corridor that will connect these six countries and enable seamless movement of goods and people across borders.

The Ashgabat Agreement is expected to have a significant impact on the trade and economic relations between the signatory countries. It will provide a direct and reliable route for the transportation of goods between Central Asia and South Asia, which will reduce the transportation costs and time.

The implementation of the Ashgabat Agreement is also expected to improve the regional security and stability. It will provide an alternative route for the transportation of goods, which will reduce the dependence of these countries on the traditional sea routes.

The agreement is expected to boost the economic growth of the participating countries, as it will provide access to new markets for their goods. The agreement will also promote regional integration and enhance cooperation between the signatory countries.

According to a recent report by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the implementation of the Ashgabat Agreement could lead to an increase of around $500 billion in the GDP of the participating countries by 2030.

In conclusion, the Ashgabat Agreement is a significant transport and transit agreement that has the potential to transform the trade and economic relations between the signatory countries. The agreement provides for the establishment of a transit and transport corridor that will connect these six countries and enable seamless movement of goods and people across borders. The implementation of the agreement is expected to have a significant impact on the regional economic growth and promote regional integration and cooperation.


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